Thursday 13 December 2012

I Moved Your Cheese: For Those Who Refuse to Live as Mice in Someone Else's Maze by Deepak Malhotra

Published by Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc
Distributed by Raincoast Books

We've all been there. The endless pursuit of ever-changing goals can at times cause a great deal of confusion, frustration, and - in some cases - despair. I Moved Your Cheese is an empowering and relatively quick read at just under 75 pages of large print text in the form of a fable. We are introduced to three very unique mice, known as Max, Big, and Zed, who, when faced with a maze, are able to think beyond the puzzle and either escape the maze, or alter the configuration to a design of their own making.

Using the three unique mice, Deepak Malhotra is able to share an enlightening message that invites everyone to take charge of their own lives, follow the roads less travelled, and essentially change our own destiny by creating new realities in our lives. The author does not offer a quick-fix solution nor a concrete plan of action but rather introduces us to a new way of thinking, advising us only to discard the ingrained notions that would convince us that when life throws us a curve ball, we are helpless to do anything other than rise above it and trudge along while seeking the next opportunity that may come our way.

Upon reading this book, I can say that while it is a quick read, it's definitely not fluff. I couldn't help but feel a powerful shift in my thinking, a new determination if you will. Will the message stick with me? I'm not entirely sure but I'd like to believe so, and, if not, I can easily revisit the book at any point. I will add that there are a lot of questions/discussion points within the back pages of this book (20-25 pages) and it brings a whole new level to the material. I found myself facing a myriad of new ideas that left me feeling excited, refreshed, and above all, hopeful and confidant in the fact that our lives can always be shaped by us, regardless of the situation.

For such a small book, it took me by surprise. Just an hour or ninety minutes of reading was all it took to open my mind to a totally new way of living and I am truly excited at the journey ahead of me, and the idea of creating my own opportunities in life, and business.

This book is certainly a game changer

Author's site:

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