Thursday 12 January 2012

Obsessed with Star Trek: Test Your Knowledge of the Star Trek Universe by Chip Carter

Published by Chronicle Books
Distributed by Raincoast Books

This interactive game features 2,500 Star Trek related questions that span across all of the TV shows and movies. Do you think you know everything Star Trek? If you aren't the type who likes to play group games there is a single player mode so you can just challenge yourself or if you want to challenge a friend simply switch to the two player mode. You can also set up the game with your preference as to whether you want random questions or whether you would rather input your own question numbers. The results are charted via way of how many correct answers out of how many questions asked (example: 3/10) as well as a percentage format. It's a fun and interesting way to learn more about Star Trek too if you are not so familiar with it. It takes just a few seconds to set up with your preferences and is so easy to use.

I had quite a bit of fun with this book. I don't consider myself a Trekkie but I did think I knew enough to at least avoid a totally humiliating score. I was so wrong. I found myself struggling to answer at least the first 10 - the example score above is probably the same score I had at that point - but the more I got into it, the more I got right which I was pretty relieved about. Of course, given that all the questions are written in a 4 answer multiple choice format, it could have been due to my luck improving rather than skill. Regardless, I found this book to be entertaining and informative and I couldn't help but find myself wanting to watch more Star Trek after playing, if only so I can have a better score next time! I especially seem to be lacking in knowledge of the original Star Trek with Captain Kirk and crew but my knowledge all through seems pretty pitiful. It's to be expected from a bookworm I guess.

A fun gift and if you have a Trekkie in your life, this should definitely be on your 'to buy' list. I personally could see myself playing this with a few friends on those cold winter nights just for fun.

Author's website -

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