In the Yellow-Lighted Bookshop the reader is led on a journey of passion by the author. A passion for all things book related. Through personal anecdotes, the author shares with us how his love of books and reading began, and his various careers in the literary world which provide some wonderful insights. He also includes a great deal of history regarding the beginning of bookshops, the first library, the various developments in printing and publishing, the challenging and banning of books, and a great deal more.
This book is delightful. The author has a gift for taking the most simple of events such as walking into a bookshop to buy a new book, and turning it into an experience which teases the senses and lightens the soul. For die-hard lovers of books, like myself, this book is the equivalent of a five star restaurant meal with perfect service. It is a book which begs to be not simply read, but savoured.
When the author describes wandering between the shelves of used bookshops, I could practically smell the familiar scents of worn pages, and see the creased spines and inscriptions which make you wonder about the life of the previous owner. When speaking of the chain stores, it's easy to smell the coffee, feel the warmth and listen to the low tones of people sharing thoughts and opinions. I can't help but wonder if the reason this book speaks to the heart of the reader this way, is because the author is writing from the heart about a subject which he obviously has a deep love for.
I don't usually mention the covers, but this cover was one that I fell in love with from the start. I also loved that the edge of the pages are deliberately a little rough and uneven, which I often associate with older books. It just gives a little something extra.
I adored this book and I can't imagine any booklover who wouldn't. It truly is a joy to read and helped me to feel less alone in my book addiction.
I have to read this one!!!! It sounds so great :)
I loved it and can't wait to see what you think of it.
As an added note, I was flicking through my bookclub catalog and just had to order a book from there today called Shakespeare and Company by Sylvia Beach.
The bookshop is mentioned at times in this book, as is the store owner Sylvia Beach. The book was originally published in 1956 and I just had to buy it as a sort of "follow-up read". I love when books can be linked together.
I will no doubt review it on here at a later date.
I really like that idea too, the books being linked. I read 'City of Bones' awhile back (it's a YA Fantasy) and the author linked her book up with another YA author, a kind of nod to her characters. Very cool.
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