Tuesday 1 August 2006

The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPublished by Doubleday

This book was a laugh a minute. The tale follows the main character, Andrea Sachs, small town girl who is freshly out of college as she lands a dream job. Andrea finds herself hired as the assistant to Miranda Priesly, the incredibly high-profile and successful editor of Runway magazine.

Narrated by Andrea herself, the book shows us that however many complaints we may have about our own bosses, things could always be worse and for Andrea, they usually are.

One of the things I loved most about this book was the sarcasm. Andrea is such a wickedly fun character who will have you crying with laughter while simultaneously wondering how she manages to get through a day without quitting or worse.

The humour is similar to the style found in Undomestic Godess so if you liked that book, you will love this one. I will be looking to read more by this author and I will be reading this book again at some point. I am still hesitant about watching the movie as they rarely live up to the written version.

Author's website: http://www.laurenweisberger.com/


Anonymous said...

I was disappointed with the last chapters. Not many Mothers would invest $125,000 in a daughter's education, see her life driven by having to surivive only 1 year in a high powered position and actually call her on the job insisting she quit her job and come on to be with a woman who drove a car while under the influence of alcohol. This is certainly not a book to encourage women to strive for leadership roles. It serves the women who believe all women should to to college to get a M.R.S. degree and spend the rest of their life raising boy babies and cooking and cleaning. Imagine a female doctor listening to her whine-bag mother telling her to leave the operating room and come home to take care of her drunken sot college roommate. Certainly she wasn't qualified to start at the top, but she did and her mother and roommate and live-in boyfriend had no sympathy. It reminded me of all the girls who didn't finish high school because they got pregnant on their first date with a guy they couldn't stand and were force to marry.

Charlene Martel said...

Thank you for posting your thoughts. I love when people share their opinions too.